
Episode 20 - Soil4Climate

Soil4Climate, a nonprofit organization, advocates for soil restoration as a climate solution.

They promote regenerative land management practices to capture atmospheric carbon and encourage collaboration with the larger body of climate activism. Uniting “drawdown” strategies with emissions reduction, divestment from fossil fuels, a price on carbon, and climate justice advocacy, together creates a powerful alliance

Soil4Climate is inspired by the work of Allan Savory which is summarized nicely in his TedTalk as "if we do what I am showing you here, we can take enough carbon out of the atmosphere and safely store it in the grassland soils for thousands of years, and if we just do that on about half the world's grasslands that I've shown you, we can take us back to pre-industrial levels, while feeding people. I can think of almost nothing that offers more hope for our planet, for your children, and their children, and all of humanity."

Seth Itzkan is co-founder of Soil4Climate and President of Planet-TECH Associates .Jesse McDougall owns and operates Studio Hill, LLC on Pullman Farm with his wife Caroline - their family’s fourth-generation farm in Shaftsbury, Eric Becker Is Chief Investment Officer at Clean Yield Asset Management, and Karl Thidemann is a co-founder of Soil4Climate and a Strategic Planner for Planet-TECH Associates.

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